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Coagulation, Flocculation, Sedimentation, and Filtration

A large portion of particles suspended in water can be sufficiently small that their removal by sedimentation or filtration is not practicable. Most of these small particles are negatively charged, which is the major cause of the stability of suspended soil particles. Particles which might otherwise settle are mutually repelled by these charges and remain in suspension. Coagulation is a chemical technique directed toward destabilization of particle suspension. The most commonly used coagulant is alum (aluminum sulfate). Coagulation is usually followed by flocculation, which is a slow mixing technique promoting the aggregation of the destabilized (coagulated) particles. Coagulation followed by flocculation as an aid to sedimentation and filtration has been practiced for centuries. It is by far the most widely used process for the removal of substances producing turbidity in water. If water has high turbidity, flocculation followed by sedimentation is often used to reduce the quantity of material prior to entering the filter.

Filters for suspended particle removal can be made of graded sand, granular synthetic material, screens of various materials, and fabrics. The most widely used are rapid-sand filters in tanks. In these units, gravity holds the material in place and the flow is downwards. The filter is periodically cleaned by a reversal of flow and the discharge of backflushed water into a drain. Cartridge filters made of fabric, paper, or plastic material are also common and are often much smaller and cheaper and are disposable. Filters are available in several ratings depending on the size of particles to be removed. Activated carbon filters, described earlier, will also remove turbidity, but would not be recommended for that purpose only.