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Aeration and Other Methods for Removal of Dissolved Gases

The process of aeration is used to improve the physical and chemical characteristics of water for domestic use. The more important functions of this process are the removal of dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, and the addition of oxygen necessary for the precipitation of iron and manganese. However, oxygen entering the water may increase its corrosiveness. If organic matter is not present, aeration alone is sufficient to cause precipitation of iron and manganese. Aeration can also partially remove volatile substances causing problems with odor and taste. However, since some substances are not sufficiently volatile, aeration is not always efficient in the removal of odor and taste. The use of aeration should not be considered if water would be subjected to airborne contamination.

Other methods of oxidation can be used for removal of dissolved gases like hydrogen sulfide. Oxidation is necessary for conversion of the gas to forms which can precipitate and therefore be filtered. It can be done using oxidizing filters (green sand filters), chlorination, or treatment with hydrogen peroxide, which has been tested lately for this purpose.