Differences Reservoirs <=> Lakes
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Water Quality: Management, Sanitation and Investigation

Pollutants and Pathogens

Apart from the contamination from nutrients already described, consideration has to be given entry of pollutants into lakes and drinking water reservoirs (Graphic example).  All cases of contamination by pollutants must be prevented whilst giving primary consideration to the aspect of drinking water usage. Organic and inorganic pollutants behave in different ways in the ecosystem of the lake. Compounds that are difficult to break down accumulate in the biomass and the sediment whereas materials with shorter half-lives (pesticides for example) do not always have to established by chemical analytic methods but rather via their effect (on organisms in the water for example).

More information

Edwards, D. D.1993: Troubled waters in Milwaukee. ASM News Vol. 59, No. 7, 342-345.

Willmitzer, H., 1997: Chlorresistente Parasiten im Trinkwasser. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 50/2, 62-63.

Willmitzer, H., 1998: Toxische Cyanobakterien in deutschen Gewässern. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 51/5, 195-196.

Differences Reservoirs <=> Lakes

© | Dipl.-Biol. Hartmut Willmitzer |  31.07. 2000 | Copyright